Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mrs. Munk's Ipad Rules - ThingLink

Proposed Project Summary
Ipads are becoming a larger part of school classrooms, so I wanted to create a guideline of rules for using Ipads in my classroom. I made this to help my students understand what the expectations are and have something to refer back to. I would have the Thinglink image as the background on all the Ipads so the students would see it and be reminded of the rules every time they used them. As situations arise, I could involve the students in adding rules or more specific guidelines, which could then be added to the Thinglink.

What is the BIG idea I want my students to walk away with?

I want my students to learn to responsibility and stewardship. By letting them "own" the Ipads (each student would have an assigned Ipad) and have responsibility for them in the classroom, they will learn appropriate habits of care for others' possessions as well as their own. They will learn how important it is to treat things appropriately and respectfully. 

Statement of Need (Why does this project need to be done)

Learning to respect and take care of things will be beneficial for them throughout their life, especially as they get jobs and have more responsibilities. If they learn now to take care of things and to be conscious of their actions, they will greatly benefit later on in all aspects of life. 

Social Studies - Grade 1 
Standard 2 (Citizenship): 

Students will recognize their roles and responsibilities in the school and in the neighborhood.

Educational Technology - Grades 3-5
Standard 7: 
Use telecommunications and on-line resources (e.g., email, online discussions, web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (4, 5)

If you would like to open it in a different tab, click here.

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