Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mrs. Munk's Geography - ED Puzzle/Animoto

Proposed Project Summary
We will be studying world geography in class and will begin with an overview of the seven continents. The students will watch the EDpuzzle video, answering the questions, and then will pick a continent they would like to learn more about. They will then be grouped with others with the same continent and will work over the next two weeks to create a video about their chosen continent. They will post their video to YouTube, create an EDpuzzle using their video, then present it and quiz the rest of the class. 
While the students are working on their EDpuzzle at home, we will take a more in depth look at each continent. We will watch the Animoto videos with pictures of each continent then go over them individually.

What is the BIG idea I want my students to walk away with?

I want my students to learn to work together and be involved in learning about different places of the world. As they work to create their video and make questions for the rest of the class to be quizzed on during the EDpuzzle, they will learn teamwork and really become knowledgeable about the continents. 

Statement of Need (Why does this project need to be done)

It is important for my students to learn about different places and to see diverse culture and environments so they will better understand and accept others from different places. 

Social Studies - Grade 2 

Standard 3 (Geography): 
Students will use geographic tools and skills to locate and describe places on earth.

Educational Technology - Grades 3-5

Standard 5: 
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

To open the video in another link, click here.

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