Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mrs. Munk's U.S. History - InfoGraph

Proposed Project Summary
We are learning about our nation's history and will be focusing on the Revolutionary War over the next couple weeks. To kick off the topic, we will briefly go over my Infograph in class. As we continue to learn about the war and what lead up to it, the students will choose several events that interest them and create their own Infograph highlighting those things. We will set aside a few days at the end of the section were they will present their Infographs to the rest of the class.

What is the BIG idea I want my students to walk away with?

I want my students to be involved with the lessons and delve deeper into history. By letting them choose what they get to expound on, I hope they will become more interested in history and know the satisfaction of learning about the past. 

Statement of Need (Why does this project need to be done)

It is important to know about our history and what it took to become an independent country so that we can appreciate it more. As we look at the sacrifices and lives spent to gain our freedom, we can then learn to respect and honor what we have. 

Social Studies - Grade 5

Standard 2: 
Students will understand the chronology and significance of key events leading to self-government.

Educational Technology - Grades 3-5

Standard 8: 
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

To view the InfoGraph on a different page, click here.

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